Early Childhood Forest Program
(Ages 5 and under)
Fridays, 9 – 11:30am
All students must be accompanied by an adult.
$200/per child per 8-week session. Children under 12 months are FREE.
It’s recommended that students attend all sessions.
Interested in attending, but can’t attend all sessions? Email ellen@adlercenter.org.
spring session:
February 28 – April 25

what is playdate with the woods?
Using the theories and principles of Forest Schools and natural play work, Playdate with the Woods is a child-centered program, that offers opportunities for holistic growth, supportive play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences that connect children to their ecological community.

what will we do during playdate with the woods?
Classes are held outside RAIN or SHINE, snow and sleet included! Of course, if there are weather advisories we will be inside, but one of the core principles of this program is discovery outdoors through interacting with nature.
Each playdate will be lead by the children’s interests and built around that. Each playdate will include an outing to the Woods at the Adler Arts Center where the curriculum will be primarily play based. We’ll use all 5 senses in nature to bring direct and deep level learning experiences that mold students fascination with nature and holistic learning.
At the end of each class, we’ll enjoy a beverage and snack.

who facilitates playdate with the woods?
Jacqueline Anderson works at the intersections of art, food, ecological regeneration, and prayerful action. She teaches and develops programming for intergenerational audiences that focuses on deepening and building healthy relationships with the Great Lakes bioregion. She holds a Masters of Arts of Public Ministry from Garrett Seminary focused in ecological regeneration, is a board member at the Adler Art Center, and is currently apprenticing at a school of herbalism. She loves taking her dog to the dog park, cooking and foraging with her family, sharing food with friends, and swimming in Lake Michigan, building cultural relationships with the land through food, restoration, and spiritual practice. She is an award-winning coffee roaster, loves food, foraging, being outside, writing, and swimming in Lake Michigan with her family.